Writing on the Move

Last Sunday I took the train down to Manchester for a one day course in Copywriting on Monday. I had deemed it a waste of my time to drive all the way, alone, when I could instead sit, chill - and work!

And although I had someone sitting next to me (at the seats with a table!), I still managed to edit an older version of my wip, and cut it into a new chapter. It's amazing how much new stuff you learn over the years, even after having finished the Creative/Novel Writing course 2 years ago. So out with the old - and in with the revised! ;-)

Having spent all afternoon on my Macbook, I decided that the evening was perfect for reading. I had just uploaded an as yet unpubbed ms from a fellow writer, so I was happy to delve into the story. I do love a fine sense of humour in Regency romance.

Just over 24 hours later, I continued my editing bonanza, adding another revised chapter, plus a completely new one. Very happy with the result! With music from my itunes in my ears, I occasionally paused to watch the stunning beauty of Cumbria and southern Scotland whizz by outside the window. Purely inspiring, even though it's a good few miles away from not-so-tranquil (in the 1140s!) Gloucestershire...

I wish I could do such a trip each week - just to get me out of the routine (i.e. away from the day job! lol) and to somewhere quiet and relaxing. OK, perhaps not exactly during rush hour but rather a mid-morning journey across stunning countryside.

What bliss!


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