The waiting game

Last week I submitted my query and submission to The Wild Rose Press, a growing publisher I've known of for a while. I've read ebooks by several of their authors - Monique deVere, Beth Trissel and Cheryl Pierson to name a few. So I thought this would be a great place for Highland Arms as I think it fits their bill perfectly, combining compelling plots with intriguing characters. Their books are not just about a simple, easy romance but rather about personal development of characters, often overcoming tough obstacles to get to the happy end.

So I ended up submitting my synopsis. And two days later I received a request for a partial, the first three chapters of HA. I was ecstatic. ~bounce~

So a manic rush to polish those three chapters to perfection (well, as close as I could get, I suppose) ensued. Finally, on Friday night I was content with the result and sent the chapters through.

Now it's the case of trying not to chew my nails. In the meantime, I'm going through the rest of the document with a fine toothcomb again. Seeing your ms improve bit by bit, inch by inch, is all worth it. I love HA and hope TWRP love it too.

Keep fingers & toes crossed! :-)


  1. The very best favour, Cathie!! I'm sure you'll be announcing a new contract offer in the very near future :)

    Hugs x

  2. Thank you, Monique. Please keep fingers crossed as I'm going to send in my full ms shortly!
    Hugs xxx


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