My Place - Animal Attraction by Jenna McClure

While many are out, jostling with the crowds doing their last minute Christmas shopping, we're still here at My Place with a warming cup of tea and a crackling fire. And talking cold seasons, our place today is spot on - somewhere I'd love to visit one day.

So without further ado let me hand over to talented romance author, Jenna McClure. :-)

Jenna McClure grew up in the urban south, but moved to Colorado to satisfy her desire for fresh air, mountains, lots of snow and wide open spaces.

She became a vegetarian in 2003 after seeing a graphic film about animal cruelty. A long-time romantic, she has been reading romance novels since her sister introduced them to her as a teenager. She finally decided to merge her love of animals and studly men into a romance novel. She has been writing for over seven years.

Jenna's favorite hobbies include digital photography, biking, hiking and an ongoing quest for her own novel-worthy hero. She daylights as a Project Manager for a software development company, but writes as much as she can.

She lives outside Denver with a gloriously goofy greyhound and two cats, one is deaf and the other extremely talkative, and all of which are named after some of her favorite fictional characters.

This is her first published novel, but she is currently at work on her second.

My Place:

Northwest Colorado near Steamboat Springs. My heroine, Emma, lives in Denver, and the hero, Adam, lives outside of Steamboat Springs. The three-hour drive doesn’t keep them apart though! 

I wanted to set a book here after working on a guest ranch up near the Wyoming border one summer during college. It was my first time in Colorado and I fell in love with the mountains and clear, crisp air. I knew I’d be back someday, and eight years later I was!


Environment consultant Emmalyn Ashmore is outraged when she discovers the last minute replacement for the guest speaker at her annual conference is none other than Adam McLean, a cattle rancher, whose lifestyle represents everything she stands against.

Adam McLean has never met a more contrary woman. From the first moment she opens her mouth, he knows she’s exactly the type of woman he doesn’t need in his life – ever.

But Fate has other plans, and as the sparks fly, Emma realizes there’s more at stake than conserving just the environment. She has to figure out how to conserve her heart, before she loses it forever.


  “It’s never good to make assumptions about people you don’t know,” Adam replied, throwing her words back at her.
  She jerked her eyes to him, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Right. Sorry.”
  Idly, he wondered if she was always this nervous, or if it was just him. Selfishly he hoped he had the same effect on her as she did on him.
  “I know you’re a cattle rancher and all,” she started, “but I couldn’t let you leave without talking to you about your speech.” 
  He didn’t care for her opening words, but he liked her voice, so he concentrated on that. Besides, if he missed anything important, he’d ask her to repeat it. Over dinner, he mused as he continued to stare at her mouth. It was still moving, which meant she was still talking and he was still not listening, but she didn’t seem to notice.
  Or so he thought.
  Her lips stopped moving, snapped shut, then opened slightly. A brief, shrill whistle pierced the air. He jerked his eyes back to hers, and found her staring at him in angry disbelief.
  If she didn’t look so mad, he might have laughed.
  “Mr. McLean, were you listening to a word I said?”
  Adam scratched his chin. “Sure. You said something about me being a cattle rancher, which I already knew, and then something about your impressions. But you kind of lost me after that.”
  She placed her hands on her hips. “I was trying to talk to you about how misleading your speech was.”
  He cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah? I must have missed that part.”
  “I think you missed all my parts.”
  “Trust me, I didn’t,” he drawled.

Author Links:

Twitter:   @jennamcclureRW

Buy Link:


  1. Welcome to My Place, Jenna. Hope you have a chance to recover from your trip. Gorgeous setting, definitely a place I'd love to visit.

  2. Thanks for having me, Cathie! I love Scotland too, so am hoping to get back there soon for another visit. My sister wants me to write her story and set it in the Highlands, so when I do that, I'll be coming to you for advice!

  3. I love the Highlands, such dramatic landscapes. Give me a shout if you're stuck. :-)

  4. I will definitely do that! I don't have a trip planned, but it's always in the back of my mind.

  5. Love the title and excerpt! Congrats on your book Jenna :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Christine. :-)


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