Welcome romance author Gayl Taylor

Today, I welcome romance author Gayl Taylor whose debut novel, Ride a Cock Horse, is out now from Breathless Press. Check out the stunning setting of sunny California! Makes me want to jump on a plane.

Over to Gayl...

Hi everyone and thanks for having me, Cathie! So, a little about me - I am a mom to three sons and a crazy cat and live in California on the San Francisco Peninsula. I write contemporary romance that includes a sensual and erotic flavor. My debut as a published writer was this past May with Breathless Press. It was a dream that came true for me. 

I wish I could say I've traveled the world but unfortunately that hasn't come to pass yet. I have been all over California though as well as a few states close by. I love the beach, in fact, at one time, I lived four blocks from Ocean Beach in San Francisco, and while it was mostly foggy and damp, in late October/early November it was clear and hot. Lately, I've had my eye on Half Moon Bay, a quiet and laid back little coastal community. 

My Place:
I use places I love as a basis for locations in my writing. I think that is what I appreciate so much about California - you can drive to any sort of climate or scenery you can imagine whether it is the beach, the snowy Sierras, or a field of wildflowers and majestic redwoods. And of course there are the marinas in San Francisco and Sausalito. I could go on and on. What appeals to me most is the quaint and picturesque towns you find driving along the coast. Antique stores, fruit stands, small markets, and friendly people.

For my first book, Ride a Cock Horse, I used King's Mountain as inspiration for the fictitious town of Banbury Cross. There are ranches, estates, lots of beautiful trees and wildflowers, and horses. 

For Lady Luck, my Free Read in honor of Breathless Press celebrating three years as a publisher, I strayed outside the state border and went to Reno, a great place to visit.

In November, The Hero Sandwich, a book that I co-authored with Karyn Gerrard will release. It takes place in the Carmel/Monterey area.

Blurb: Ride a Cock Horse
Musician Hunter Blake returns to Banbury Cross to win back his true love, Kate. Will they find a way to make beautiful music again?
Not even a cock horse could bring musician Hunter Blake back to Banbury Cross, yet here he stood, ten years after leaving, to make amends for his past behavior and win back his true love, Katherine Banbury. Their relationship was in perfect harmony until Hunter's excessive drinking tore them apart. Now sober, he's focused on doing whatever it takes to prove he's worthy of her love. 
Kate spent the last ten years determined to forget Hunter. With a developer intent on turning her ancestral home into tract housing, Kate had her hands full. When Hunter returns, vivid memories of their passionate history stoke the flames of desire between them. Will Kate fight the attraction or will she open her heart to love once more?

Excerpt: Ride a Cock Horse
  Anger boiled to the surface as Kate struggled to stay focused. It was true. She could do nothing unless she sacrificed her own responsibilities. The manor took priority over the studio regardless of her desire to help Jonathan financially. "We will fight this, go to the owner, and work out some deal. Just tell me who it is and I'll negotiate."  
  "That is an intriguing idea."
  Kate whipped around at the voice behind her, an all too familiar baritone. "Hunter." She barely choked out his name.
  It took her several minutes to catch her breath and steady her racing heart. After all this time, the sight of Hunter Blake sent her self-control into a tailspin. His thick, black hair, slightly peppered with gray, no longer reached his waist. It now hung in layers just above his shoulders. He had added some impressive bulk to his six-foot-two-inch frame. Kate raked her gaze from head to toe in appreciation of that body. 
  His stonewashed black jeans, white T-shirt, and black leather jacket fit him to perfection. The T-shirt hugged each rippled muscle, the V-neck exposed a dusting of black hair on his chest. Her gaze lingered at his crotch, noting the way those jeans perfectly accentuated his ample assets. Wetting her lips, she drew her lower lip between her teeth and sucked in a quick breath.
  "Hello, Kate. I see you recognize me."
  Kate lifted her gaze back to Hunter's handsome face. His mouth curved in a mischievous grin. He was well aware of where she was staring and the intent in his voice was clear. Heat rushed to her face, stinging her cheeks with a prickling sensation. It wasn't from embarrassment of her open appreciation of his cock but from sheer desire. Even now, the memories came flooding back in a wave of lust that had her tingling in places that had not seen decent action in a long while.

Blurb: Lady Luck
A successful man, a beautiful woman, and a chance encounter at a craps table in Reno. With one roll of the dice, luck runs out for one of them—or does it?
From the moment he laid eyes on her, Tyler Connell was convinced the beautiful stranger at the opposite end of the craps table was his "Lady Luck". Although Tyler couldn't lose at the table, he'd definitely lost his heart. He was a man who got what he wanted and Tyler wanted her.
After placing a bet with incredible odds and winning, Anya was convinced the gorgeous hunk rolling the dice had a Midas touch. He'd won her heart with his mesmerizing dark eyes and dazzling smile and Anya imagined doing a little touching of her own. When she places an ill-advised bet and loses everything, he proposes one last outrageous wager.
With both their hearts on the line, the stakes are high. Is it worth the risk?

Blurb: The Hero Sandwich
A wild night of meaningless sex is all best friends Connie Hollingsway and Nicci Sullivan have in mind when they approach a beyond handsome, younger man in 'The Cougar Cave' bar. They soon realize they have taken on more than they bargained for.
Barrett Michaels just found out he was cut from the Double A baseball team he played for. To drown his sorrows and ease his pain, he goes to 'The Cougar Cave' looking for a one-night stand with an experienced, older woman. Imagine his surprise when not one, but two women suggest a night of mind-blowing, sensual pleasure, with no strings attached. 
Can three lonely people keep pain, bitterness, and grief at bay or will emotional fireworks tear down the walls surrounding their hearts?

Buy Links:

Ride a Cock Horse

Lady Luck available as a Free Read

The Hero Sandwich coming November 9, 2012

Author Links:


  1. Lovely guest post - I like the way you use your favorite places as backgrounds for your novels. I like visiting places near my home too, and recently had day-trip to the 'real' Banbury Cross! However your fictional one sounds much more racy.

    1. Thank you Jennifer. I hope one day to travel outside the US (further than Canada or Mexico). I think visiting the real Banbury Cross would be wonderful!

  2. Thanks so much Cathie for having me here today!

    1. My pleasure, Gayl. Loving the locations and photos. :-)


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