Holding Off For A Hero by Gail MacMillan - Super Book Blast!

Please help me welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author, Gail MacMillanon her Super Book Blast tour promoting her latest release, Holding off for a Hero!

It's a romance novel with not just two intriguing main characters, but also a four legged friend - the heroine in question has a pug! And she and her pug need rescuing. Sounds like my kind of read. After all, I've always wanted a pug...

Holding Off For a Hero

by Gail MacMillan



Beautiful, vivacious Emma Prescott has a love-'em-and-leave-'em reputation.  Fact is, Emma's holding off for a hero.  When she moves to a cabin at wilderness Loon Lake and meets her one neighbor biology professor Frasier MacKenzie, he's still just another guy, even with his killer blue eyes and body that just won't quit...until he rescues her and her Pug from one danger after another.  Then he definitely falls into hero territory.  But the professor has no intention of filling the role of white knight in Emma's life.  All he wants is to be rid of her and her annoying little dog so he can get on with his research. In fact, he's ordered to get rid of them whether he wants to or not.  Looks like Emma may have to go on holding off for a hero...



The unmistakable screech made his breath clog in his throat. His body froze in midstride. The Panther! Dear God! Emma! Pulling his gun, he plunged into the darkening bush.

“Emma!” he yelled.


Her cry sent him charging forward.  He rounded a small thicket to see her huddled 
against the trunk of a pine, the Pug clutched in her  arms. Stalking toward her, bird-dog fashion, its belly dragging on the snow, was the Panther.

He raised the gun. His hand shuddered. No, please, God, not now! Taking aim, he fired.  The report rocked the silence of the forest. The big cat screamed as the bullet whizzed inches over   its head. Roaring, it whirled and vanished into the shadowy bush. The silence of the winter twilight returned. The hand holding the smoking gun dropped to his side, every ounce of strength drained.

 “Thank God you missed.” Emma recovered her speech. “It would have been awful to have killed him.”

 “Damn it, Emma…!”

 “Well, if he hadn’t run away from that warning shot, you would have got him with the next one, 

 “Right.” Her absolute confidence made him choke out the word.  Still clutching the Pug, she suddenly sank down on her haunches in the snow.

“Frasier, I was so scared,” she hiccupped.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Gail MacMillan is a three-time Maxwell Award Winning writer and author of 26 published books.  A graduate of Queen's University, she lives in New Brunswick Canada with her husband and two dogs, Fancy a Little River Duck Dog and Bruiser the cover guy and hero of Holding Off For a Hero. 

Gail's web site is www.gailmacmillan.ca     

Holding Off for a Hero is available in both print and e-book from:

The Wild Rose Press:   

Gail will award two $5 Amazon GCs and three digital copies of 
"Lady and the Beast" to randomly drawn commenters 
during the tour.

Click on the banner for more tour stops!


  1. Great excerpt! I love the cover!
    Thanks for the contest!

    1. Thanks for responding, Dee. Bruiser the cover pug, sends you a big thank you lick!

      Gail and Bruiser

  2. Holding off for a Hero sounds fabulous and right up my alley. I love the wilderness and all things wild LOL. Congratulations and I wish you many many sales, Gail.

    1. Thanks, Cait. It was a fun book to write and Bruiser the Pug (my own dog by the way) was a big help with providing his adventures. Hope you get a chance to read it. Gail and Bruiser

  3. A must read for me.


  4. Thank you, Dee, Cait and Mary for stopping by.

    A pug and a love story - it sounds fab, doesn't it? :-)


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