Rosanne Bittner - Ride the Free Wind - Page Turner Bonanza

Please help me welcome award winning historical romantic western author, Rosanne Bittner, who is celebrating her latest release, Ride the Free Wind, Book 2 in the Savage Destiny series. 


Abigail Trent Monroe abandons the only life she’s ever known to live among the Cheyenne with her half-breed husband, Zeke.  Together they face peril and enjoy a passion most never experience.  Their love is so strong that no amount of danger or rugged living can come between this man and woman so devoted to one another.  

Against the backdrop of a magnificent landscape and during a time when freedom meant everything to the Native Americans, Zeke and Abbie cling to one another for courage and strength.

Clinging to Zeke tightly, Abbie pleaded.  “Don’t let go!  Don’t ever let go!”

“It’s all right, Abbie-girl,” he told her quietly. 

He gladly kept his arms around her, and she kissed his neck, breathing in the wonderful, manly scent of him, running her hands across his broad, strong shoulders.  He moved his lips back to her own in one long, lingering, hungry kiss, then he swung her up into his arms.  She rested her head on his shoulder and asked no questions. … It did not matter at the moment where he had been or why.   All that mattered was that he was here now. …

Author Bio:

I've been writing for nearly thirty years and to date have had 57 novels published, all about the American West of the 1800's and Native Americans. I write romance, but not the typical bodice-ripping adventures. My stories are deep love stories, often family sagas told as a series. It is the hero and heroine's love that holds them together through the trials and tribulations of settling America's western frontiers. I absolutely love the Rockies, the Tetons, the Sierras, and the wide-open plains, prairies and desert land west of the Mississippi. In my books, I strive to tell the truth about the settling of the West and how it affected our American Indians, as well as the gritty depth of what our brave pioneers suffered in their search for free land and a better life. 

I am a member of the Nebraska and Oklahoma Historical Societies, my local southwest Michigan historical society, Women Writing the West, Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America (treasurer) and the national RWA, and a local charity group called the Coloma Lioness Club. I help run a family business and love doing things with my three young grandsons. If you visit my web site at, where all my titles are listed as well as a page that lists all my many writing awards; or you can visit me on Facebook. At either site you will learn news of new books to come as well as reprints of many of my past titles soon to be published in trade paperback and as e-books! I also have an author site at

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Amazon**This e-Book is exclusive to Amazon**

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