Happy New Year!

I know I'm late. It's my trademark! :-)

Wishing all of my lovely friends and followers a happy, healthy and successful 2014! 

One of my (usually broken) resolutions is to complete at least one of my current WIPs. Daily life and editing for CCP take precedent, but I've missed the escape and the buzz writing gives you. Plus, I'm going to map out the sequel to Dark Deceit. Lots of fighting in Normandy. Plus perhaps a murder or two thrown in. Can't have poor Geoffrey de Mortagne get bored...

So, what are your New Year's resolutions? Do you bother? Do you stick with them?

So, here's to many happy hours spent writing!

Cin cin!


  1. I don't make any new year's resolutions that way I'm not disappointed in myself. Happy New Year to you Cathy!

    1. A good plan, Helen. That's how mine – when I make them – always end up broken. Happy New Year to you too.


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