Welcome to author Kathy Sharp!

Today, I'm delighted to welcome author Kathy Sharp. Her novel, All the Wild Weather, the third instalment in her fabulous 'Larus' trilogy, is released today. Many congratulations, Kathy!

I'm handing over to Kathy to tell us more about that elusive island of Larus and its quirky inhabitants. Make sure to check out the trilogy on Amazon and other outlets. 

Over to Kathy!

Hello, Cathie, and thank you for the opportunity to talk to your readers.

A couple of summers ago I made a visit to Portsmouth. I had reached an impasse with the book I was working on, All the Wild Weather. It’s a seagoing sort of story, and I hoped a couple of days immersing myself in all things maritime might kick off the creative process once more.

So off I went, and had a wonderful time in Portsmouth, clambering about HMS Victory with my mouth open in awe, trying not to confuse my trenails with my trunnions. Even in dry dock with her rigging taken down for repair, the old ship was a remarkable link with the past. You can feel surprisingly close to the spirit of Lord Nelson when you stick your nose down the mouth of a cannon.

I visited HMS Warrior, too – more open-mouthed gawping – and even got out on the water for a boat tour round the ships in harbour. I told myself this was research, of course, but the simple truth is that it was unashamed tourism, and much as I enjoyed the atmosphere of the historic dockyard, I can’t say it shifted my writers’ block one iota.

The inspiration came from a more unexpected source – our accommodation at Lombard House Bed and Breakfast – with special emphasis on the breakfast, as it turned out. This house dates back to Tudor times, we learned, and had been given a facelift in the eighteenth century with a new frontage. The owners were historians and collectors of all things Nelson. The place overflowed with Nelson memorabilia.

Best of all was the dining room in the basement, where we had breakfast. This wonderful room was filled with naval uniforms, paintings, model ships and Nelsonian knick-knacks of all kinds. Swords were suspended from the ceiling, and every surface of the walls and furniture held objects either commemorative or contemporary with the great man. The excellent poached eggs kept missing my mouth as my eye was caught by one fascinating object after another. I knew straight away that it was just the setting I needed for the turning point in my story, and my writers’ block melted away.

The room appears as the ‘many-sided room’ in All the Wild Weather, including many of the objects just as I saw them in Portsmouth. Inspiration takes many forms, but I am guessing not many writers have found theirs in a breakfast room.


Writer Paddy Fields sets out to investigate the mysterious disappearing Isle of Larus – but never dreams he will find himself helping to defend it against a seemingly unstoppable enemy. His adventures with the gentle people of Larus lead him into a profound, exciting and life-changing experience. 

Can Paddy juggle fighting off rampaging pirates in the world of Larus as well as keeping the press in his own world from discovering the island’s secrets? 

Return to the elusive Isle of Larus for the final adventure in the trilogy. 

The Larus Trilogy: 
Isle of Larus 
Sea of Clouds 
All the Wild Weather 

All the Wild Weather, third and final part of the Larus Trilogy, is published in 
e-book formats today http://amzn.to/29QyIqJ


Kathy Sharp lives by the sea in Dorset (UK). She is a prolific writer of short fiction and song lyrics, and is the author of the Larus Trilogy of novels, inspired by the dramatic scenery of the Jurassic Coast. The third part of the trilogy, All the Wild Weather, will be published later in 2016. 

Kathy says: "When I first began writing fiction, I asked myself what exactly it was I wanted to write. The answer came back, 'Something magical!' The result was three novels about the not-quite-real Isle of Larus. Since then, I have looked for that sense of the magical in all my writing."

Find Kathy online:
Twitter: @KathySharp19
Read my regular Monday blog on Goodreads


  1. Lovely post and this sounds a great series, Kathy! Enjoyed reading about your unique research.

  2. Looking forward to reading the final part of the trilogy, Kathy...especially after learning about the inspiration for 'the many sided room'. Is your trilogy going to be greater than a triangle of books?


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