Review: Captured by her Enemy Knight by Nicole Locke

I'm delighted to share my review for Nicole Locke’s latest title Warstones saga: Captured by Her Enemy Knight! This isn't the first novel in the series that I’ve read, and I’ve enjoyed this as much as previous titles, even though this has a very different slant.

Cressida is no ordinary woman: she is an archer, trained by her father to do only one thing: kill. Over the years, she follows his orders, getting rid of his enemies without blinking. But when he sends her to kill Eldric of Hawksmoor, she disobeys her father for the first time – and becomes the aim of his wrath. How could she tell him that she could not possibly kill the one man she has admired, at a distance, for years. Missing her aim intentionally, Eldric’s friends are killed, and Cressida is full of guilt. 

When Eldric catches her unawares, he takes her hostage, intent to handing her over to King Edward, and to see her executed. But something about her stirs unknown feelings in him; her vulnerability, so at odds with her profession, attracts him.

As they flee mercenaries sent out not only to kill him, but also Cressida, they draw closer. This is very well put together, as we can sense a gradual change in Eldric. She, on the other side, is still smitten and wants to escape to save him from her father’s vengeance. 

But as her father catches up with them, will she obey him one final time and kill the man she loves?

The characters here are well-defined. Eldric is the ultimate warrior, large and lethal. Cressida is a fragile little slip of a girl, but deadly with bow and arrow. But where he is confident, she questions her role and her fate. 

Cressida reminded me of women suppressed by men, even going as far as what we now call domestic abuse. Her father punishes her, physically, when she misses a target, and his psychological hold over her makes her doubt herself and her purpose in life. It is shocking, especially within a romance novel setting, but realistic at the same time. A very daring concept by Nicole Locke. Cressida never had a chance to think of her own life, her future, until Eldric sweeps her off her feet.

This story has a different feel to many historical romance novel I’ve read over the years, and certain aspects in it won’t be for every reader. But I found it brave of the author to show a woman here who can finally free herself from an abusive relationship, with Eldric’s love.   

I can highly recommend this novel, especially for readers who want to delve deeper into human relationships. 


Captured by Her Enemy Knight
Falling for the man

Cressida Howe, the Archer, is a well-tuned weapon. But she’s also a woman captivated by a man—Eldric of Hawksmoor, the warrior knight her father ordered her to kill. Instead, for years, Cressida has simply watched him… Now she’s been captured by her formidable enemy, and her well-ordered world comes crashing down, for Eldric is even more compelling up close. Cressida curses her traitorous heart—this assassin has fallen for her target!

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Author Bio:

Nicole first discovered romance novels hidden in her grandmother's closet. Convinced hidden books must be better, Nicole greedily read them. It was only natural she should start writing them (but now not so secretly).

If she isn't working on the next book in her historical series, she can be reached at! 


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