Promo: The Unquiet Spirit by Penny Hampson

I’m thrilled to share an excerpt today from a novel I had a sneak peek at, and thoroughly enjoyed: The Unquiet Spirit by Penny Hampson. If you love paranormal romantic mysteries with a dark side, this one's for you!


Dr Kate Wilson has moved down to Cornwall to live in the old house she’s recently inherited from her godmother. We meet her after a long day, she’s about to close the curtains and go to bed when something catches her notice.



Kate held her breath as a figure stepped out of the trees. Whoever it was moved in a furtive way, stopping and starting, as if afraid of being discovered. But what set Kates pulse racing was the fact that the figure appeared to be wearing a cloak – it was as if a drawing from a history book had stepped off the pages and come alive. The cloaked figure moved into a shaft of moonlight and thats when Kate gasped. She could see straight through the apparition to the trees and shrubs beyond. As if aware that it was being observed, the figure turned and an arm beckoned, gesturing Kate to follow. Kate swallowed. Not bloody likely. She blinked hard and looked again. The figure had vanished, and the driveway was deserted. 

Kate stepped back from the window and drew the curtain across, still not quite believing what shed seen. It had to be someone playing a trick. She considered calling the police and reporting a prowler, then decided shed be better off waiting until morning. Whoever it was wouldnt be able to get into the house, not with the new locks, and besides, if they tried again she would be ready for them. She checked one more time that everywhere was secure and headed up to bed. Once upstairs, she placed the chair against the door again, and after preparing for bed, switched off all the lights. Going over to the window, she peered through the curtains, but couldnt see very much, the moon now being obscured by clouds. Her hearing told her that nothing was stirring outside, only the odd hoot of an owl in the distance a reminder that some creatures were awake. She shivered and returned to her bed. It was some time before she fell asleep. 



 The Unquiet Spirit

A new beginning. A house with a past. A man with secrets.

It was a dream come truethat turned into a nightmare.

Kate Wilson thinks moving back to Cornwall might be the answer to her prayers. But it isnt long before she begins to have doubts. Is the house she inherited from her godmother haunted? Or is she going out of her mind? With a stalker, threats, and attempted break-ins, Kates troubles multiply.

Then theres her enigmatic neighbour, the brooding Tom Carbis; a man with secrets he doesnt wish to share. Can she trust him when he says he wants to help?

In her quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding her, will Kate uncover more than she bargains for?

Set in beautiful Cornwall, The Unquiet Spirit is a gripping suspense with paranormal and romantic elements. Fans of Barbara Erskine will enjoy this tale.


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Author Bio: 

Some time ago Penny Hampson decided to follow her passion for history by studying with the Open University. She graduated with honours and went on to complete a post-graduate degree.

Penny then landed her dream role, working in an environment where she was surrounded by rare books and historical manuscripts. Flash forward nineteen years, and the opportunity came along to indulge her other main passion – writing. 

enny joined the New Writers’ Scheme of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and  three years later published her debut novel, A Gentleman’s Promise, a  historical mystery/romance. Other books in the same genre soon followed.

But never happy in a rut, Penny also writes contemporary suspense with paranormal and romantic elements. Her first book in this genre is The Unquiet Spirit, published by Darkstroke.

Penny lives with her family in Oxfordshire, and when she is not writing, she enjoys reading, walking, swimming, and the odd gin and tonic (not all at the same time).

For more on Penny’s writing, visit her blog:




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