Discover Jerusalem with author Miriam Drori
Today, I'm extending a warm welcome to author Miriam Drori , who tells us about Jerusalem, the city she now calls home. It's also where her romance, Neither Here Nor There , is set. I'm intrigued! Let's see what Miriam has to say... ~~~ Writing Home Jerusalem was the obvious setting for Neither Here Nor There . I wanted to write a romance. I wanted to write an unusual romance. I wanted the heroine to have a reason to hold back from throwing herself into a relationship. I wanted to write something I knew about. Having the heroine come from the haredi community ticked all the boxes. It also made for an interesting topic – one that I was keen to explore. What better place to set my story than Jerusalem, my home town, where I see people from the haredi community every time I leave my house? Sorted, or was it? View of David's Tower I wasn’t sure about setting the novel in my home town. Writers often prefer to describe places further away from them, beca...