Welcome romance author D'Ann Lindun

Today, I'm hosting fellow romance author, D'Ann Lindun. If you - like me - love cowboys, you're in for a treat! ;-)

Falling in love with romance novels the summer before sixth grade, D’Ann Lindun never thought about writing one until many years later when she took a how-to class at her local college. She was hooked! She began writing and never looked back. Romance appeals to her because there's just something so satisfying about writing a book guaranteed to have a happy ending. D’Ann’s particular favorites usually feature cowboys and the women who love them. This is probably because she draws inspiration from the area where she lives, Western Colorado, her husband of twenty-nine years and their daughter. Composites of their small farm, herd of horses, five Australian shepherds, a Queensland heeler, eight ducks and cats of every shape and color often show up in her stories! 

So, to discover more about D'Ann, I've asked her a few questions.

1.  What made you write romance? 
When I was growing up, we lived on a guest ranch for a couple of years, and there was no TV there.  The summer before 6th grade, I spent hours and hours in the library, and discovered romance.  I fell in love with the old Harlequins and Victoria Holt. Flash forward about 15 years, and I got the chance to take a class from Margot Early.  I jumped in and never looked back!

2.  You write about cowboys. What triggered your passion for horses?  
Growing up on their backs, literally.  I started riding when I was three years old.  I love all animals, especially cats and dogs, too.  But there's something about a horse that no other animal can rival.

3.  What are your current projects & future releases?  
I have two books out right now-- Wild Horses, from Crimson Romance, and A Cowboy to Keep from Ruby Lioness Press. In August, I'll have another from Crimson titled Shot Through the Heart.  Another later in the fall, too.

Thank you, D'Ann. What a wonderful way of life. My home office overlooks a stableyard, so I get to watch horses nearly every day, and I wouldn't want to live without my cats. Animals are inspiring.

Wild Horses - Blurb:
Her family ranch outside of Payson, Arizona, is the last place Castaña Castillo thought she’d ever see again. But when her mustang activist brother goes missing, Castaña returns home to lead the search. Years of bad blood between local law enforcement and the Castillo men lead Castaña to believe the local cops won’t put out much effort to locate her brother. Especially since they think he murdered two federal wildlife agents.
Disgraced FBI agent Jake Breton needs to bring in Martin Castillo to redeem himself and resurrect his career. Falling in love with someone related to the suspect is the last thing he can afford to do. The last time he followed his heart, and not his head, it nearly cost him his life.
Danger, adventure, and death push Jake and Castaña together. Will they learn to trust each other and leave their pasts behind?

Wild Horses - Excerpt:

  Deputy Perez returned, followed by a gray-haired man in street clothes.  "Miss Castillo?"  Deputy Perez indicated the other man.  "FBI Agent, Keith Staton.”
  "I understand you've come in with information about Martin Castillo,” the agent said.
  She managed to shake Staton's dry hand while her incredulous gaze shot between him and Perez.  She’d come to them for help, and as usual, gotten nothing but the run around.  Just another couple of cops out to get one of her family members.  Her stomach churned acid.  "Martin is gone, yes.  I’d like your help in finding him.”
  Staton's gray eyes locked on her face.  "You're Martin Castillo's sister?"  
  "Yes."  She massaged her throbbing temple with her fingertips.  "That’s what I said.”  
  "You're not aware of what happened with him?"  
  "I know he's been gone . . . what are you implying?"  She dropped her hand to her thighs and pressed her palms to them to hide her trembling.  "You mentioned FBI?"  Her head spun.  Perez didn't say a word, just continued to stand by the desk like a statue and stare at her.  Same old thing, guilty by association.  He must've already weighed and judged her and found her guilty.  Just like every other cop she'd ever met.  A sour taste filled her mouth.   
  "Your brother is," Agent Staton drew her attention back to him, "wanted by local law enforcement and the Arizona Bureau of Investigations."  
Fear clogged her throat and she could hardly force the words out.  "Why?"
  "Maybe you could tell us," Agent Staton said.
Why was he talking in circles?  "I don't know anything."  She swiped damp palms down
her legs.  "I drove in from Dallas yesterday to look for my brother.  I came down here this morning to talk to y'all before I start searching for him on my own."  Her shaking intensified.  "Do you know something about Martin?"

Author Links:

Wild Horses Links:

Goodreads & iTunes Links: 

A Cowboy To Keep Links:


  1. What a fabulous excerpt, D'Ann. Love the sound of your home, too, with so many animals. Great to have you on board.

  2. Replies
    1. Glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  3. Thank you for having me today, Cathie.

    1. My pleasure. Always happy to host fellow authors and animal lovers.

  4. Great interview! Congrats, D'Ann!

  5. Fantastic interview, ladies! Many congrats, D'Ann! Love your books!

  6. People buy this book - then read it. You'll love it. I did.

  7. Great interview and great excerpt.

  8. Growing up horseback, living the cowgirl life. All that life experience reflected in your books. I love it!!

  9. What a sweet interview.
    Your excerpt is fantastic.

  10. great excerpt, D'Ann! Good luck with all your releases - what a busy lady!!

  11. Loved the excerpt and the interview was also great.
    YOur stories saound great and I'm going to be adding them to my kindle. Good luck on your releases.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. That was a very nice interview. The excerpt is great.

  13. Thank you, ladies, for your wonderful comments. So delighted you enjoyed D'Ann's interview and post.

    Thank you for stopping by. :-)

  14. Great interview. Wild Horses is amazing! You're certainly on a roll :)

  15. Wow. At age 3 you were riding. Purely amazing just like your books!

  16. Congrats, D'Ann, you are sizzling lot this summer! And I'm not referring to the weather. Nice to hear they have picked up on more of your novels for publication.

    All the best,

    Jacqueline Seewald
    DEATH LEGACY--sensual romantic suspense

  17. Very nice interview, ladies. Wishing you continued success, D'Ann. You are an awesome lady and author. :)

  18. Wonderful interview, short but your passion shows through, D'Ann, just like in Wild Horses!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thanks so much, Jenn, Daryl, Liz, Sheri, Brenda, Kristi, LFK, Ella, Nikki, Mart, Jacqueline, Melissa and Sharon. I so appreciate all of you.

  21. Wonderful interview--short and to the point! :) You're really on a roll, D'Ann, after an incredibly long wind-up. :) Keep it going, lady! Congrats on all your releases!

  22. Awesome excerpt, D'Ann. In a smigeon of dialogue, I'm already wondering why the heroine is so nervous.


  23. Awesome excerpt, D'Ann. You've already hooked me in just a few paragraphs. Congrats and best wishes for success!!!


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